Wednesday 16 May 2012

Fishing and Wildlife Blog

Just, initially, an experiment to see what this might turn out like.  I hope I can even backdate some entries, but I suspect not.  Very new to blogging, so I suspect I will screw up often and bigtime.
So this is just a test to start off the process

1 comment:

  1. Hi JAYZS,

    Now following you blog and have linked to it off the sidebar of mine.

    Yes you can enter backdated posts, and create content out of old diaries with the correct date for those entries. I know for certain that you can go back as far as 1990, because I've done just that for another blog of mine, but see no reason why you shouldn't be able to backdate to the Georgian period, Roman even!

    But it's laborious work. You have to keep clicking backwards a month at a time...
